Our research targets applications in quantum simulation, computing, and metrology through engineering of highly entangled states of individually controlled atoms.
To this end, we develop novel experimental techniques in atomic and optical physics, as well as theoretical techniques in quantum many-body and quantum information theory. A key experimental tool concerns optical tweezer arrays, which have emerged as a versatile platform for quantum science experiments. Specifically, ''atom-by-atom assembly'' now provides a fast and simple method for generating defect-free atomic arrays, which are used as qubit registers. Entanglement is generated in a highly controlled fashion via excitation to Rydberg states, which interact strongly at typical inter-atomic distances. A good introductory reference from our group is Madjarov*, Covey*, et al., Nature Physics (2020). For a broad, recent review, we recommend this article. A video of an introductory talk by Manuel can be found here. |
We conduct our research as part of several funded centers and collaborations, including
- IQIM Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, Caltech
- NSF Challenge Institute for Quantum Computation
- DOE Quantum Systems Accelerator
- ARO MURI Resilient Quantum-Information-Enhanced Metrology
- DARPA Optimization with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum devices (ONISQ)
- DOE Early Career Research Program: Verification of Quantum Devices from Emergent Randomness
- AFOSR YIP: Entanglement Control in Alkaline-earth Rydberg Arrays
- CAREER: Quantum Many-Body Control with Alkaline-Earth Atom-Array