Welcome to the Endres Lab website!
We are a research group at Caltech with a focus on experimental and theoretical quantum science. This includes experiments with individually controlled neutral atoms targeting novel approaches for quantum simulation, quantum information, and quantum-enhanced metrology, as well as theory work in quantum many-body physics, applications of machine learning, and proposals for new quantum science and AMO platforms. We are part of a vibrant quantum science and engineering environment at Caltech. |
October, 2024: Congtrats to Hannah for winning 2024 Boeing Quantum Creators Prize! She is giving a presentation about her work at 2024 Chicago Quantum Summit.
October, 2024: Our theory paper on optimal conversion from classical to quantum randomness via quantum chaos is now on arXiv. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
arXiv:2410.05181 (2024)
September, 2024: Our paper on universal quantum operations and ancilla-based readout for tweezer clocks is accepted to Nature! Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
Nature 634, 321–327 (2024)
arXiv:2402.16220 (2024)
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney: Merging Atomic Clocks with Quantum Computers
July, 2024: Our paper on benchmarking and modeling the high-fidelity Rydberg gates is now on arXiv. Here, we achieve a CZ gate fidelity of 0.9971(5)! Congrats to the team!
arXiv:2407.20184 (2024)
July, 2024: Our theory paper on Heisenberg-limited Bayesian phase estimation is now on arXiv. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
arXiv:2407.06006 (2024)
April, 2024: Congrats to Adam for his successful thesis defence! Dr. Adam Shaw!
March, 2024: Today we have three new papers on arXiv. The first two are experiment and theory papers studying quantum thermalization and Hilbert-space ergodicity. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
arXiv:2403.11971 (2024) (experiment)
arXiv:2403.11970 (2024) (theory)
In the third paper, we achieve over 12,000 tweezer sites trapping over 6,100 highly coherent single cesium atomic qubits! Congrats to the new experiment!
arXiv:2403.12021 (2024)
February, 2024: Our paper on universal quantum operations and ancilla-based readout for tweezer clocks is now on arXiv. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
arXiv:2402.16220 (2024)
February, 2024: Our paper on benchmarking quantum systems in the beyond-classically-exact regime is accepted to Nature. Congrats to the team and to our theory collaborators!
Nature (2024)
arXiv:2308.07914 (2023)
November, 2023: Congtrats to Adam for winning 2023 Boeing Quantum Creators Prize! He is giving a presentation about his work at 2023 Chicago Quantum Summit.
October, 2023: Our paper on multi-ensemble metrology is accepted to Nature Physics! Congrats to the team!
Nature Physics 20, 195–201 (2024)
arXiv:2303.16885 (2023)
Parallel quantum control meets optical atomic clocks
August, 2023: Our experimental paper studying benchmarking quantum systems in a regime where classical computers begin to fail is out on arXiv! And just today, our theory paper on benchmarking was accepted to PRL! Congrats to the team and to our theory collaborators!
Nature (2024), arXiv:2308.07914 (2023) (experiment)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 110601 (2023) (theory)
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney
August, 2023: Our paper on erasure conversion is accepted to Nature! Congrats to the team for the great work!
Nature 622, 273–278 (2023)
arXiv:2305.03406 (2023)
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney
Physics World
April, 2023: Our paper on dark-state enhanced loading of an optical tweezer array is accepted to PRL. Congrats to the team!
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 193402 (2023)
arXiv:2302.10855 (2023)
October, 2022: Our paper on randomness and benchmarking is accepted to Nature. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
Nature 613, 468–473 (2023)
arXiv:2103.03535 (2021)
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney
They're so random
September, 2022: Congrats to Manuel for winning the 2023 New Horizons in Physics Prizes!
April, 2022: Congrats to Hannah for winning an NSF Graduate Fellowship!
March, 2021: Congrats to Joonhee for winning the AKPA outstanding young researcher award!
March, 2021: Our papers on randomness and benchmarking are out on arXiv. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
Jan, 2021: Congrats to Ivaylo for his glorious PhD defense! Wish we could have celebrated this in person.
June 9, 2020: Congrats to Ivaylo for winning the France Cordova Graduate Fund, Thomas Tombrello Scholar award!
May 25, 2020: Our paper on control, detection, and entanglement of alkaline-earth Rydberg atom is out together with a nice News & Views article:
October, 2024: Our theory paper on optimal conversion from classical to quantum randomness via quantum chaos is now on arXiv. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
arXiv:2410.05181 (2024)
September, 2024: Our paper on universal quantum operations and ancilla-based readout for tweezer clocks is accepted to Nature! Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
Nature 634, 321–327 (2024)
arXiv:2402.16220 (2024)
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney: Merging Atomic Clocks with Quantum Computers
July, 2024: Our paper on benchmarking and modeling the high-fidelity Rydberg gates is now on arXiv. Here, we achieve a CZ gate fidelity of 0.9971(5)! Congrats to the team!
arXiv:2407.20184 (2024)
July, 2024: Our theory paper on Heisenberg-limited Bayesian phase estimation is now on arXiv. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
arXiv:2407.06006 (2024)
April, 2024: Congrats to Adam for his successful thesis defence! Dr. Adam Shaw!
March, 2024: Today we have three new papers on arXiv. The first two are experiment and theory papers studying quantum thermalization and Hilbert-space ergodicity. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
arXiv:2403.11971 (2024) (experiment)
arXiv:2403.11970 (2024) (theory)
In the third paper, we achieve over 12,000 tweezer sites trapping over 6,100 highly coherent single cesium atomic qubits! Congrats to the new experiment!
arXiv:2403.12021 (2024)
February, 2024: Our paper on universal quantum operations and ancilla-based readout for tweezer clocks is now on arXiv. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
arXiv:2402.16220 (2024)
February, 2024: Our paper on benchmarking quantum systems in the beyond-classically-exact regime is accepted to Nature. Congrats to the team and to our theory collaborators!
Nature (2024)
arXiv:2308.07914 (2023)
November, 2023: Congtrats to Adam for winning 2023 Boeing Quantum Creators Prize! He is giving a presentation about his work at 2023 Chicago Quantum Summit.
October, 2023: Our paper on multi-ensemble metrology is accepted to Nature Physics! Congrats to the team!
Nature Physics 20, 195–201 (2024)
arXiv:2303.16885 (2023)
Parallel quantum control meets optical atomic clocks
August, 2023: Our experimental paper studying benchmarking quantum systems in a regime where classical computers begin to fail is out on arXiv! And just today, our theory paper on benchmarking was accepted to PRL! Congrats to the team and to our theory collaborators!
Nature (2024), arXiv:2308.07914 (2023) (experiment)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 110601 (2023) (theory)
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney
August, 2023: Our paper on erasure conversion is accepted to Nature! Congrats to the team for the great work!
Nature 622, 273–278 (2023)
arXiv:2305.03406 (2023)
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney
Physics World
April, 2023: Our paper on dark-state enhanced loading of an optical tweezer array is accepted to PRL. Congrats to the team!
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 193402 (2023)
arXiv:2302.10855 (2023)
October, 2022: Our paper on randomness and benchmarking is accepted to Nature. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
Nature 613, 468–473 (2023)
arXiv:2103.03535 (2021)
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney
They're so random
September, 2022: Congrats to Manuel for winning the 2023 New Horizons in Physics Prizes!
April, 2022: Congrats to Hannah for winning an NSF Graduate Fellowship!
March, 2021: Congrats to Joonhee for winning the AKPA outstanding young researcher award!
March, 2021: Our papers on randomness and benchmarking are out on arXiv. Congrats to the team and our theory collaborators!
Jan, 2021: Congrats to Ivaylo for his glorious PhD defense! Wish we could have celebrated this in person.
June 9, 2020: Congrats to Ivaylo for winning the France Cordova Graduate Fund, Thomas Tombrello Scholar award!
May 25, 2020: Our paper on control, detection, and entanglement of alkaline-earth Rydberg atom is out together with a nice News & Views article:
April 7, 2020: Our paper on control, detection, and entanglement of alkaline-earth Rydberg atoms (all with record fidelities) is accepted to Nature Physics. Congrats to the team!
High-Fidelity Control, Detection, and Entanglement of Alkaline-Earth Rydberg Atoms
Ivaylo S. Madjarov*, Jacob P. Covey*, Adam L. Shaw, Joonhee Choi, Anant Kale, Alexandre Cooper, Hannes Pichler, Vladimir Schkolnik, Jason R. Williams, Manuel Endres (*equal contribution)
Nature Physics 16, 857–861 (2020)
Dec 11, 2019: Our tweezer clock made it to PRX together with a very nice Physics viewpoint from Andrew Ludlow. Congrats to everyone!
Phys. Rev. X 9, 041052 (2019)
Physics 12, 141 (2019): “Tweezer Clock” Offers New Possibilities in Timekeeping
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney
High-Fidelity Control, Detection, and Entanglement of Alkaline-Earth Rydberg Atoms
Ivaylo S. Madjarov*, Jacob P. Covey*, Adam L. Shaw, Joonhee Choi, Anant Kale, Alexandre Cooper, Hannes Pichler, Vladimir Schkolnik, Jason R. Williams, Manuel Endres (*equal contribution)
Nature Physics 16, 857–861 (2020)
Dec 11, 2019: Our tweezer clock made it to PRX together with a very nice Physics viewpoint from Andrew Ludlow. Congrats to everyone!
Phys. Rev. X 9, 041052 (2019)
Physics 12, 141 (2019): “Tweezer Clock” Offers New Possibilities in Timekeeping
Nice Caltech press release by Whitney
Aug 16, 2019: Our clock paper is on arXiv (and now also accepted to PRX). Congrats to the team and our JPL collaborators for the awesome work!
Phys. Rev. X 9, 041052 (2019)
arXiv:1908.05619 (2019)
Phys. Rev. X 9, 041052 (2019)
arXiv:1908.05619 (2019)
May 2, 2019: High fidelity imaging paper published in PRL with an Editor's suggestion!
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 173201 (2019)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 173201 (2019)
April 11, 2019: Our new paper on very high-fidelity and low-loss imaging of strontium in clock-magic tweezers just got accepted to PRL. Congrats to the team!
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 173201 (2019)
arXiv:1811.06014 (2018)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 173201 (2019)
arXiv:1811.06014 (2018)
March 25, 2019: Mark Saffman wrote a nice News & Views about the alkaline earth tweezer arrays:
The next step in making arrays of single atoms, Nature, News & Views
The next step in making arrays of single atoms, Nature, News & Views
Dec 28, 2018: Our first paper on trapping and imaging of individual alkaline earth atoms in tweezers is published in PRX, along with a Physics Viewpoint by Antoine Browaeys:
Phys. Rev. X 8, 041055 (2018)
Alkaline Atoms Held with Optical Tweezers
Phys. Rev. X 8, 041055 (2018)
Alkaline Atoms Held with Optical Tweezers
Oct 15, 2018: Our paper on trapping and imaging of individual alkaline earth atoms in tweezers is on arXiv. Congrats to the team for the great work! See here
Oct 2018: Manuel receives an Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program award
July 2018: Manuel receives a prestigious NSF CAREER award. Coincidentally, two other former Bloch group members, now in California, win an NSF CAREER award at the same time: Congrats to Monika and Julio!
New course series 'Ph137ab Atoms and Photons': Nick Hutzler and Manuel are implementing a new course series starting this Fall. This is a two term series: The first part will be be taught be Nick and the second part will be taught be Manuel.